For Sunday, September 7, 2014 – Matthew 18:15-20
Sometimes, in a blissfully quiet moment, or when we are tired and disappointed in ourselves and others, we hear a sneaky little voice telling us we might be better off attempting this journey alone. We can discern our own callings, read thought-provoking books, join an online community, work on loving humanity while avoiding actual people. Thankfully, we wake up again and see that for better and for worse, we are not alone. We have companions. How to live with them peacefully is what Jesus addresses here.
Jesus says, I know your community, how obstinate and annoying they can be, how they sometimes speak ill of you and blame you for their own problems. I called all of you together, remember? What I’d like for you to learn is not to puff up like a self-righteous toad, or point out how highly regarded and generally well-liked you are. No, this is the time to practice what I have told you will be your primary work—forgive, and live in peace. First, go right to the source of your pain and say what is bothering you. Who knows, maybe you old scoundrels will hear each other this time. You’ll both have a laugh and be done with it. If you get no response, go again and take one or two others along. If the person who is on the outs with you still won’t listen, go to the entire church membership. Not to prove how right you are, but because this is the group that is committed to forgiving one another as I have forgiven you. Together you share responsibility for finding ways to live together in the bonds of unity and peace.
Did you forget that this is the final goal? Not to make everyone feel better, not to decide who is right and wrong, but to bring back together whatever has come apart—to mend whatever breaks. If nothing you try works, Jesus says, then all that’s left is to treat the offender as I have told you to treat a Gentile or a tax collector. In other words, make the circle bigger and bring ’em on in. I have given you the power already to be at peace with all creation, even with your family and friends, even with yourself. Without practice, the power will atrophy. Practice peace to be at peace. Practice forgiveness to be forgiving. This is the primary gift you bring to the world.