Using Our Gifts – May 24, 2023

“Every person has the task of releasing angels by shaping and transfiguring the raw materials that lie about [them] so that they become houses and machinery and pictures and bridges. How we do this—how we “build the earth,” to use Teilhard de Chardin’s phrase—is determined by the discovery and use of our gifts.” —Elizabeth O’Connor, Eighth […]

Luminous Transformation

Transfiguration Sunday. Can it be that Lent is right on the horizon? The lectionary readings have so quickly, perhaps too quickly, punctuated the wondrous intensities of Advent, Jesus’ birth, early epiphanies and now transfiguration. Transfiguration is the stunning summit epiphany* before turning toward Calvary. It is a brief, loaded account, without equal. Jesus goes to a new […]

Timeless Wonder

“Is it possible to have a call – a wake-up experience – at a very young age?” The question came in the chat box on a Zoom retreat that I was leading. “Yes,” I said, “I think children do have these experiences, but usually don’t have language for them.” And I went on with my […]

Released – Feb. 19, 2021

“The principle of transfiguration says nothing, no one and no situation, is “untransfigurable,” that the whole of creation, nature, waits expectantly for its transfiguration, when it will be released from its bondage and share in the glorious liberty of the children of God, when it will not be just dry inert matter but will be […]