Turtle’s Waiting – Nov. 28, 2022

“Sunk in its bottom-mud, for six months she will not draw air into her lungs. To survive a cold that would kill her, or slow her so that predators would kill her, she slows herself beyond breath in a place where breath is not possible… It’s this radical simplicity that will save her. And deep […]

Start Close In – Sept. 5, 2022

“The temptation is to take the second or third step, not the first, to ignore the invitation into the center of our own body, into our grief, to attempt to finesse the grief and the absolutely necessary understanding at the core of the pattern, to forego the radical and almost miraculous simplification into which we […]

The Path – Aug. 17, 2022

“Jesus’ path was exactly that, a radically unmanageable simplicity—nothing held back, nothing held onto. It was almost too much for his followers to bear. Even within the gospels themselves, we see a tendency to rope him back in again, to turn his teachings into a manageable complexity. Take his radically simple saying: “Those who would […]

Living Lightly

In today’s gospel reading, Jesus urges the crowd to be ready, painting a beautiful picture of the blessings that await those who are prepared for God to show up at unexpected moments.* This exhortation comes immediately after Jesus encourages people to get rid of all their stuff. Though these are framed as separate vignettes in […]