Revisiting Commitment

Have you caught yourself scrolling through a list of movies to watch, unable to commit the time for any of them? Or leafing through a catalogue, not able to decide on anything because there are too many choices? Or leaving the grocery store without any cereal because there were just too many options? Americans often […]


This is the time of lengthening daylight as our daystar, the Sun, shines more directly on our planet each day. Though ice covers the ground where I live, green shoots are beginning to appear. And yet, another ice storm is coming. How is Earth protecting or preparing for new life? Why is the struggle of […]

Lessons from Growing Seeds

I haven’t planted flower seeds in a long time. So I smiled this spring, on Mother’s Day, when my daughter gave me six packets of seeds. I read the instructions carefully: just scatter the wildflower seeds; soak the sweet pea seeds for a day first; plant the zinnias and snapdragons and poppies right away, just […]