For Sunday, April 24, 2016 – John 13:31-35
and Sunday, May 1, 2016 – John 14:23-29

Jesus knows his time on earth is growing short, and whether or not we will comprehend the essential heart of his message, whether or not we will dare to embody it, lies in the balance. Succinctly, he sums up who he is and who we are to be, giving us what he calls “a new commandment.” Then he promises, when he leaves, to send an Advocate, the Spirit of all that is holy, to remind us when we forget. What precious final word warrants such care and protection as this? What will be the ongoing proof of his life, and our life together in him? Simply this: Love one another.

Can it be? The ultimate proof of who he is, and who we are, is love, just love? Jesus knows we are going to resist such simple solutions. He knows we will crave the adrenaline rush of complexity and confusion. (How else to allow ourselves not to comprehend and obey?) We ask what it means, exactly, to love. Perhaps it would be wise, Jesus, to convene a study, debate alternative ideas and defend against possible misinterpretations. Is love a feeling or an action? Should we primarily give it or receive it? What is the correct quality and quantity? One person’s version of love will be another’s bondage; your love dream could be my nightmare. Better to withhold and avoid the risk until more research can be conducted.

So Jesus quickly adds, “Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.” We do not need to understand it all before we begin. We will not be relying on ourselves alone, but on the patterns we see in his own life and on the Spirit of truth who will remind us. When you wonder how to love, look at me, Jesus says. Remember me. Be for each other what I have been for you. Call each other friend, desire the best, forgive the worst, and when you fail, begin again. This will be your way to live in peace, to live unafraid.

We can stop complicating our lives. We can take a breath and remember how simple our assignment really is. Just be, each day, a little scrap of paper for the Spirit to write on, a love note from God to the world. Just show up for each other. Just love.