Actually Creating – May 25, 2023

“We do not experience ourselves as gift until we are engaged in the act of creating. The confirmation of a person as gift acknowledges what is obvious, but it does not give enough attention to what is not as evident—the unknown potential in a person that can be brought into existence only through the exercising […]

Using Our Gifts – May 24, 2023

“Every person has the task of releasing angels by shaping and transfiguring the raw materials that lie about [them] so that they become houses and machinery and pictures and bridges. How we do this—how we “build the earth,” to use Teilhard de Chardin’s phrase—is determined by the discovery and use of our gifts.” —Elizabeth O’Connor, Eighth […]

Recognizing Our Gifts – May 23, 2023

“Many people in our age find it easier to dig and probe the dark dimension of life than to come to grips with the resources that are theirs. When we do not recognize our gifts and strengths, our lives fail to sound notes of gratitude. the whole growth process is blocked. We are responsible and […]

Discernment – May 22, 2023

“We carry the treasure in earthenware vessels. The Word we say we heard is always subject to questioning, always to tested within the fellowship and confirmed or denied by those among us who have the gift of distinguishing true spirits from false. When we become serious about prayer, we learn how important this gift is, […]