Blessed Are You

Today’s gospel reading* takes me back to a former workplace and a particular co-worker and his response to the everyday greeting, “How are you?” “I am blessed,” he would say; not the typical “Fine” or “OK” or “It’s been rough” or this or that, but always, simply, “I am blessed.” Many years have passed since our last meeting, and I can still quite palpably recall how his greeting made me feel. Gently stunned each and every time, I would feel something like being touched by grace. Yes, I was feeling blessed.

I know some of this person’s hard, challenging life story. “I am blessed” is not the response I would expect from him time and again. But in his greeting, what I heard was from the heart. He knew himself in all his humanity to be in God’s beloved embrace. His evocation of blessing spilled over on to me. For an instant I could see the blessed beauty of this person and simultaneously see my own true loved nature no matter the daily struggle. Our simple morning greeting became a divine exchange.

From blessing flow deep recognition, balm, and compassion. Joy and hope rise from within. In today’s story, Jesus is standing eye to eye with those who have seen or heard something genuinely affecting from him. They recognize they are in need and want to be in his presence. Something in the depth of their being has been stirred toward a desire for healing and wholeness. They want to hear what he has to say. “Blessed are you,” he says. Blessed are you who are poor, who are hungry, who mourn, who are persecuted for my sake…. I see you. You are precious. You are loved. You have dignity. You belong. You are not alone.

Time and again Jesus calls us to see and act with a spirit of compassion and generosity. We are called to bless each other with our presence, with our resources, with authenticity and integrity. We are called to recognize our inherent connection and open channels for God’s blessing to flow ever more freely.

*Luke 6:17-26

For reflection:

  • When have you felt “blessed” beyond reason?
  • How can you keep the blessing moving?

-Trish Stefanik, Overlook Retreat House at Dayspring

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